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Best detector against Multanova 6F 34,3GHz
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Založen: 10.1.2009
Příspěvky: 14

PříspěvekZaslal: so leden 10, 2009 8:37 pm    Předmět: Best detector against Multanova 6F 34,3GHz Citovat

Hello guys!!

Just found this forum and read a lot about your tests!! Unfortunately I don't speak Czech, so I translated every thread with Google, which didn't work very well.

I'm using a Bel 966R with feedhorn for a better detection and must say it works great!!

However I've tested some detectors in Germany and Austria, but nobody could outrun my 966R!

Some friends from Spain told me, that the Bel 975e (with BC serial) should even have better distances. Combined with a feedhorn, even better than an STI-R!! Rolling Eyes

So, whats your recommandation against Multanova 6F with 34,3 GHz??

Btw, are Radars measuring from behind in CZ??
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Založen: 10.12.2006
Příspěvky: 539
Bydliště: Praha

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 11:45 am    Předmět: Re: Best detector against Multanova 6F 34,3GHz Citovat


unfortunately I don't have any experience with Bel 966 so I can not provide any info, but I'm quite interested in one thing from your question.

nano napsal:
I'm using a Bel 966R with feedhorn for a better detection and must say it works great!!

The use of feedhorn sounds like an interesting idea. Could you please provide some further info about it? Also some picture(s) would be great.

nano napsal:
Btw, are Radar measuring from behind in CZ??

In CZ they measure from both directions. I would say that rear measurement is used more often than the front one (easier radar placement which is usualy mounted on the car)


Pro admina: toto vlakno by se melo presunout do kategorie BEL (this thread should be moved to category BEL Detectors)
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Založen: 10.1.2009
Příspěvky: 14

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 12:44 pm    Předmět: Re: Best detector against Multanova 6F 34,3GHz Citovat

Hello msp_x!!

msp_x napsal:
The use of feedhorn sounds like an interesting idea. Could you please provide some further info about it? Also some picture(s) would be great.

I’m using a “HDR HH+ ROHS” feedhorn from Todoradares with -20dB/cm2 gain. This cone is also suitable for the Bel 975e.

That the 975e with horn extension can also beat the STI-R, was proven many times by members of the Todoradares forum.

You can find pictures of the horn extension on the homepage of the producer: Todoradares
There is also a “Tapa” available, which is just a covering for the horn made of plastic, to provide dirt or snow inside. The “Tapa” doesn’t affect the detection range in any way.

Owner of the 975e should definitely think about buying such a cone. My average on Multanova 6F from behind is between 250 – 300m. The highest was 500m.

The only disadvantage is the size: The cone needs 8 cm more length.

msp_x napsal:
Pro admina: toto vlakno by se melo presunout do kategorie BEL (this thread should be moved to category BEL Detectors)

Sorry, my primarily question was about the best detector against Multanova!! But if it's a Bel than you are right!! Mr. Green

I'm just asking because i could get a 975e to test, but nobody is using this device in our area, so i have to ask above frontier.
K Band false alarms doesn't matter, because there are no such radars used here.

edit: By the way is there a difference between the normal Bel 975e and the CZ version??
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Založen: 10.12.2006
Příspěvky: 539
Bydliště: Praha

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 1:38 pm    Předmět: Re: Best detector against Multanova 6F 34,3GHz Citovat

nano napsal:
Hello msp_x!!

msp_x napsal:
The use of feedhorn sounds like an interesting idea. Could you please provide some further info about it? Also some picture(s) would be great.

I’m using a “HDR HH+ ROHS” feedhorn from Todoradares with -20dB/cm2 gain. This cone is also suitable for the Bel 975e.

That the 975e with horn extension can also beat the STI-R, was proven many times by members of the Todoradares forum.

You can find pictures of the horn extension on the homepage of the producer: Todoradares

Owner of the 975e should definitely think about buying such a cone. My average on Multanova 6F from behind is between 250 – 300m. The highest was 500m.

There is an interesting stuff on that page. So this is just passive extension of the current antenna? Have you noticed any improvement? I need to ask because the distances mentioned by you (250-300m) are quite common with 975E without this horn - tested with other radar (Ramer) which has even lower transmit power than multanova.

nano napsal:
edit: By the way is there a difference between the normal Bel 975e and the CZ version??

As I know there is currently no difference. CZ version applies to earlier versions of detectors where customised firmware was loaded - especialy because of detection of radars around 34.0GHz whose are commonly used in CZ. 975Euro has these frequencies already programmed. However, I don't know if 975e sold in Spain is the same as the CZ one.
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Založen: 24.10.2006
Příspěvky: 1459
Bydliště: Praha

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 2:09 pm    Předmět: Citovat

Anglicky zas tak moc neumim, ale co jsem pochopil, tak tohle je pro ceske uzivatele uplne mimo misu. BEL 966R je jenom kastrovana verze BEL 975 Remote, kterou Beltronics nejakou dobu delal pro celoeuropskeho dealera Target Automotive a ma prakticky stejne stejny HW jako analogicky BEL 975 Remote z toho obdobi, ale Ka narrow ma jenom 34.30 GHz, takze pro CR je absolutne nevhodny.Jeste drive se takto delala verze BEL 815/915 (a mozna i 975) bez laseroveho cidla pod nazvem Stinger Ventura.

S prodluzovanim anteny se delaly pokusy i u nas, hodne se tim zabyval 1100xx a chvilku s tim blbnul i Robert (znama Gambrinus antena Mr. Green ), ale vsichni se shodli na tom, ze tudy cesta nevede, z detektoru se stane montrum a zisk je mensi nez od kvalitni SW upravy. S 1100xx jsme takto testovali RX65 USA + 10-15 cm externi antena vs. BEL 965 CZ a CZ verze to vyhrala rozdilem nekolika trid.

Rozdil mezi standardni BEL 975 EURO a verzi, ktera se dodava do CR je v naladeni 1. frekvence v Ka narrow modu, bezna EURO verze ji ma 33.8 GHz, verze pro CZ a SK ji ma 34.0 GHz: http://www.target-automotive.nl/en/product-catalogus/Radar-Detectors/Beltronics/Bel-975E/975E/Detailed-product-flyer.html
--- Výhradní distributor produktů Stinger v České republice ---
http://www.antiradary.cz , http://www.antiradary.com , http://www.valentineone.cz , http://www.antilaser.net
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Založen: 10.12.2006
Příspěvky: 539
Bydliště: Praha

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 2:40 pm    Předmět: Citovat

Antiradary BEL napsal:
Anglicky zas tak moc neumim, ale co jsem pochopil, tak tohle je pro ceske uzivatele uplne mimo misu. BEL 966R je jenom kastrovana verze BEL 975 Remote, kterou Beltronics nejakou dobu delal pro celoeuropskeho dealera Target Automotive a ma prakticky stejne stejny HW jako analogicky BEL 975 Remote z toho obdobi, ale Ka narrow ma jenom 34.30 GHz, takze pro CR je absolutne nevhodny.Jeste drive se takto delala verze BEL 815/915 (a mozna i 975) bez laseroveho cidla pod nazvem Stinger Ventura.

Ja to pochopil tak, ze momentalne ma Bel 966r, ma moznost ziskani 975e (tedy asi tu 38GHz verzi) a ted jen zjistuje, jestli si pomuze s detekci multanov (34.3). Radary na 34GHz ho az tak nezajimaji.

Antiradary BEL napsal:
S prodluzovanim anteny se delaly pokusy i u nas, hodne se tim zabyval 1100xx a chvilku s tim blbnul i Robert (znama Gambrinus antena Mr. Green ), ale vsichni se shodli na tom, ze tudy cesta nevede, z detektoru se stane montrum a zisk je mensi nez od kvalitni SW upravy. S 1100xx jsme takto testovali RX65 USA + 10-15 cm externi antena vs. BEL 965 CZ a CZ verze to vyhrala rozdilem nekolika trid.

Ve VF technice obecne plati, ze nejlepsim zesilovacem je antena, takze az tak zcestna idea to neni a s dobrym FW to muze byt zajimave. Mohu vedet vysledky testu s antenou u CZ verze vs CZ verze bez anteny? Jestli se tato kombinace testovala.

Pokud ale nekdo zminuje monstrum, tak at se podiva co jsem nasel na drive odkazovanych strankach: http://www.todoradares.com/filtro-vav-anti-ddr-de-todoradares/menu-id-1015 Tohle jen proto, aby se snizilo vyzarovani detektoru a tim nemoznost detekce detektorem detektoru radaru.
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Založen: 10.1.2009
Příspěvky: 14

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 3:19 pm    Předmět: Citovat

Hello guys,

would it be possible to go on in English, because how I mentioned above i don't understand one word Czech and the Google translator doesn't really work very well.

So unfortunately i don't have any clue what you are talking about!! Mr. Green

msp_x napsal:
So this is just passive extension of the current antenna? Have you noticed any improvement?

Yes, you can attach the horn easily on the antenna. No need for screws or sticky tape!

I was doing a lot of tests and the horn improved my warning distances a lot. Without horn warning distances about 50 metres were not uncommon. But i think the problem here are our radar housings, which shields the radar waves a lot. Tests in Switzerland with one and the same detector and radar (they also use Multanova 6F 34,3) showed, that the distances are abnormal high there.

msp_x napsal:
I need to ask because the distances mentioned by you (250-300m) are quite common with 975E without this horn - tested with other radar (Ramer) which has even lower transmit power than multanova.

Really?? And what are your distances against Multanova with a Bel 975e??

msp_x napsal:
Pokud ale nekdo zminuje monstrum, tak at se podiva co jsem nasel na drive odkazovanych strankach: http://www.todoradares.com/filtro-vav-anti-ddr-de-todoradares/menu-id-1015 Tohle jen proto, aby se snizilo vyzarovani detektoru a tim nemoznost detekce detektorem detektoru radaru.

I wouldn't really recommd this type of filter, because it's just too heavy and big. If you need a really good RDD filter (are RDDs even used in CZ?) you will be happy with the "Enerby filter". The horn in front increases also detection range and is non-sensitive to the polarisation of a radar --> So can place the antenna horizontal or vertical, it just doesn't matter.
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Založen: 24.10.2006
Příspěvky: 1459
Bydliště: Praha

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 6:24 pm    Předmět: Citovat

msp_x napsal:
Ja to pochopil tak, ze momentalne ma Bel 966r, ma moznost ziskani 975e (tedy asi tu 38GHz verzi) a ted jen zjistuje, jestli si pomuze s detekci multanov (34.3). Radary na 34GHz ho az tak nezajimaji.

Nepomuze, pokud jsou BEL 966R a BEL 975 ze stejneho obdobi, tak maji i stejny HW. Samozrejme, ze BEL 966R stary 2 - 3 roky bude mit jiny HW jako soucasny BEL 975e, ale asi to velky vliv na citlivost mit nebude, spise na odolnost vuci falesnym poplachum, kterou maji soucasne detektory lepsi. Na jeho miste bych o vymene detektoru neuvazoval a klidne pouzival BEL 966R dokud ten "neumre" nebo neproda auto a pak si koupil BEL 975e nebo jinou Remote verzi, ktera bude v dany moment na trhu.

msp_x napsal:
Ve VF technice obecne plati, ze nejlepsim zesilovacem je antena, takze az tak zcestna idea to neni a s dobrym FW to muze byt zajimave. Mohu vedet vysledky testu s antenou u CZ verze vs CZ verze bez anteny? Jestli se tato kombinace testovala.

Kombinace CZ mutant vs. CZ normal se netestovala, protoze bylo zjevne, ze tudy cesta nevede a ze u detektoru jsou kvalitni SW upravy ucinnejsi nez hrube zvysovani citlivosti. Potvrdil to i dalsi vyvoj, kdy Beltronics prevedl 50% HW zpracovani signalu na SW bazi a kvalita detekce se tim prakticky nesnizila (taky jsem byl ze zacatku skepticky), ale podstatne se snizila poruchovost detektoru. Myslim, ze neni problem zvysit citlivost zesilenim signalu uvnitr detektoru, ale je problem pak odfiltrovat potrebny signal od sumu a lepsi antena moc nepomuze, protoze ta zesili vstupni signal jako celek.

msp_x napsal:
Pokud ale nekdo zminuje monstrum, tak at se podiva co jsem nasel na drive odkazovanych strankach: http://www.todoradares.com/filtro-vav-anti-ddr-de-todoradares/menu-id-1015 Tohle jen proto, aby se snizilo vyzarovani detektoru a tim nemoznost detekce detektorem detektoru radaru.

A vyrobci stacilo udelat par mensich zmen v samotnem detektoru, aby zabranil zpetnemu vraceni zesileneho signal do anteny detektoru a model STi je nedetekovatelny i bez takove prisernosti.
--- Výhradní distributor produktů Stinger v České republice ---
http://www.antiradary.cz , http://www.antiradary.com , http://www.valentineone.cz , http://www.antilaser.net
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Založen: 16.2.2007
Příspěvky: 1529
Bydliště: adresa místa trvalého pobytu na území České republiky

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 6:49 pm    Předmět: Citovat

Antiradary BEL napsal:
Anglicky zas tak moc neumim, ale co jsem pochopil, tak tohle je pro ceske uzivatele uplne mimo misu. BEL 966R je jenom kastrovana verze BEL 975 Remote, kterou Beltronics nejakou dobu delal pro celoeuropskeho dealera Target Automotive a ma prakticky stejne stejny HW jako analogicky BEL 975 Remote z toho obdobi, ale Ka narrow ma jenom 34.30 GHz, takze pro CR je absolutne nevhodny.Jeste drive se takto delala verze BEL 815/915 (a mozna i 975) bez laseroveho cidla pod nazvem Stinger Ventura.

S prodluzovanim anteny se delaly pokusy i u nas, hodne se tim zabyval 1100xx a chvilku s tim blbnul i Robert (znama Gambrinus antena Mr. Green ), ale vsichni se shodli na tom, ze tudy cesta nevede, z detektoru se stane montrum a zisk je mensi nez od kvalitni SW upravy. S 1100xx jsme takto testovali RX65 USA + 10-15 cm externi antena vs. BEL 965 CZ a CZ verze to vyhrala rozdilem nekolika trid.

Rozdil mezi standardni BEL 975 EURO a verzi, ktera se dodava do CR je v naladeni 1. frekvence v Ka narrow modu, bezna EURO verze ji ma 33.8 GHz, verze pro CZ a SK ji ma 34.0 GHz: http://www.target-automotive.nl/en/product-catalogus/Radar-Detectors/Beltronics/Bel-975E/975E/Detailed-product-flyer.html

Brief translation:
Bel 966R is only poor version of Bel 975 Remote with the same HW, BUT Ka narrow is just 34,40GHz, that means this device is absolutely out of place for usege in CZ.
We were testing additional feedhorn too, the result was that the gain is too dismissible to use this solution. Much better way is to do quality modification of SW.
The difference between 975e sold in CZ and in the rest of Europe is, that our 975e has 34,0Ghz instaed of 33,80GHz in the first Ka narrow mode.
Vše, co píšu, jsou výmysly, které se nezakládají na pravdě. Vymýšlím si, abych byl zajímavější.
Výbava od www.antiradary.net

Jsem radarově senzitivní Smile
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Založen: 10.12.2006
Příspěvky: 539
Bydliště: Praha

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 7:22 pm    Předmět: Citovat

nano napsal:
Hello guys,

would it be possible to go on in English, because how I mentioned above i don't understand one word Czech and the Google translator doesn't really work very well.

So unfortunately i don't have any clue what you are talking about!! Mr. Green

Sorry, some guys don't speak english so we had to do some czech conversation.

nano napsal:

I was doing a lot of tests and the horn improved my warning distances a lot. Without horn warning distances about 50 metres were not uncommon. But i think the problem here are our radar housings, which shields the radar waves a lot. Tests in Switzerland with one and the same detector and radar (they also use Multanova 6F 34,3) showed, that the distances are abnormal high there.

Interesting you observed such improvement. Some test with external antenna were made here as well but the results were much worse. We probably won't help you more since multanovas are not used in CZ.

nano napsal:
msp_x napsal:
Pokud ale nekdo zminuje monstrum, tak at se podiva co jsem nasel na drive odkazovanych strankach: http://www.todoradares.com/filtro-vav-anti-ddr-de-todoradares/menu-id-1015 Tohle jen proto, aby se snizilo vyzarovani detektoru a tim nemoznost detekce detektorem detektoru radaru.

I wouldn't really recommd this type of filter, because it's just too heavy and big. If you need a really good RDD filter (are RDDs even used in CZ?) you will be happy with the "Enerby filter". The horn in front increases also detection range and is non-sensitive to the polarisation of a radar --> So can place the antenna horizontal or vertical, it just doesn't matter.

This was not recommendation. I just pointed to a radar-detector-monster Very Happy

But the result for you is that the sensitivity of current 975e would be probably about the same as at your 966r (without external horn of course). There might be only improvement in decrease of false alerts.
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Založen: 10.1.2009
Příspěvky: 14

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 8:40 pm    Předmět: Citovat

Thanks for translation!!

msp_x napsal:
Interesting you observed such improvement. Some test with external antenna were made here as well but the results were much worse.

You have to pay attention to the serialnumber. In the past Beltronics often changes the position of the antenna (975R). So there are different feedhorns for different version of the Bel 975R.

Search on youtube for Bel 975R and Bel 975R. There are plenty of videos showing the difference between with and without a feedhorn. More information is also on the forum of todoradares.

msp_x napsal:
We probably won't help you more since multanovas are not used in CZ.

OK!! I thought i saw some videos with multanovas from you guys, but maybe I missunderstood something!!
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Založen: 16.2.2007
Příspěvky: 1529
Bydliště: adresa místa trvalého pobytu na území České republiky

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 8:49 pm    Předmět: Citovat

nano napsal:
OK!! I thought i saw some videos with multanovas from you guys, but maybe I missunderstood something!!

We'd like to help you but Police don't use Multanova in our country. Used is Ramer on 34,0 and 34,3GHz with another transnmitting power. But not Multanova.
Vše, co píšu, jsou výmysly, které se nezakládají na pravdě. Vymýšlím si, abych byl zajímavější.
Výbava od www.antiradary.net

Jsem radarově senzitivní Smile
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Člen klubu

Založen: 12.1.2008
Příspěvky: 144

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 9:31 pm    Předmět: Re: Best detector against Multanova 6F 34,3GHz Citovat


Naposledy upravil davidt dne st leden 04, 2012 2:48 pm, celkově upraveno 2 krát.
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Založen: 16.2.2007
Příspěvky: 1529
Bydliště: adresa místa trvalého pobytu na území České republiky

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 9:38 pm    Předmět: Citovat

Navrhuji, aby se v tomto tematu psalo jen anglicky nebo česko-anglicky. Bylo by to fér k jeho zakladateli. Nevadí, že někteří z nás moc neumí anglicky, není se za co stydět.

I make a suggestion to write only English or Czech-English in this topic. It would be polite to the founder.
Vše, co píšu, jsou výmysly, které se nezakládají na pravdě. Vymýšlím si, abych byl zajímavější.
Výbava od www.antiradary.net

Jsem radarově senzitivní Smile
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Založen: 10.1.2009
Příspěvky: 14

PříspěvekZaslal: ne leden 11, 2009 10:00 pm    Předmět: Citovat

shwaara napsal:
I make a suggestion to write only English or Czech-English in this topic. It would be polite to the founder.

Mr. Green
Thank you for your efforts, but my question was already answered!! I was just interested in your experiences against Multanova.

Nevertheless, i wish you all a happy new year!!

And if you have any questions about Germany, Austria or Switzerland don't hesitate to ask.
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